Entoto Natural Park

The Hidden Treasure at the Mountain's Shoulder

This place is the work area of many endeavours; Entoto's High Plateau, where it appears among adorable Juniper hills and dreamlike meadows. Ultimately, this landscape of forgotten dreams reveals its southern border in Bees' Cliff's abyss (14). Here, it shows very soon the beautiful path (42) to Entoto Natural Park (Nursery) 34, where massive work has elapsed with nature restoration for many years.

Geographical Situation

Addis Ababa is situated 9° north of the equator in central Ethiopia. There is a splendid outlook over the sprawling city and the five high solitary mountains from several spots, with a propagating view from the southwest to the southeast (Menagesha, Wachecha, Furi Zukuala and Yerer). On the mountain massif of Entoto, the Park area extends from the northern edge of the city at an altitude of 2 600m and further north over the mountain crest above 3,000 m.

Entoto's High Plateau with an
 Unknown Origin of the Giant
Mount Entoto's Ridge and High Plateau
Facing north from the top ridge, one looks out over vast plains towards Sululta and some bare mountains. The mountain crest on which the Park is located forms a big water divider. The northern slope drains into the Blue Nile and the precipitation from the southern slope will end up in the Awash River. This has the curious result that two raindrops falling at the same time just a few centimetres apart will have quite different destinies: one will, after a long journey, reach the Mediterranean Sea, whereas the other will pass through the city of Addis Ababa, eventually evaporating in the Danakil Desert, as the Awash River never reaches the sea.

Entoto Natural Park is United with the Capital's Highland.
The initial part of the Park adjoins Addis Ababa's northern outskirts, in the district known as Shero Meda (Shiromeda). Coming from the central parts of the city, Entoto Avenue leads up to the school of Kuskuam in the north of Shero Meda and further along the border of the Park to the Church of Entoto Maryam (Håkan Blanck and Pia Englund, Entoto Natural Park 1995).

Glamour and Amusements 

Among Mighty Highland Views

Ehiopia's Capital and Entoto Natural Park have a charismatic and fabled relationship with their legendary and profoundly venerated mountain massif. Here, still, sojourn Nature's and history's patina intimately and vibrantly and prevails always near, where this grand highland within the Capital's borders amazes visitors with an irresistible attraction. However, despite this immediate contact with the Capital, the Park's location seems distant in its highlands, where it allures with the mighty enigmatic charisma of its majestic mountain massif. High above the metropolitan area, the Park's location invites a mesmerizing vast highland landscape which romantically veils the bustling city life below. Thus, gazing over the landscape countless miles from the Park's high mountain massif fills the mind with enchantment over this legendary landscape. Here is the source of unforgettable memories and irresistible impressions, where a mighty and timeless serenity of extraordinary origin still abides.

The Central Station for Bus and Taxi 

Shero Meda (Shiromeda) Community

Shero Meda (Shiromeda) also allows the most convenient access to Entoto Park (Z) and Entoto Maryam (43), a historical site highly venerated located on Entoto's plateau. Thus, the Shero Meda (Shiromeda) community in the Capital's northern district offers a central station for other taxi and bus services to the Capital's city centre and a direct taxi connection to Entoto Park (Z), Entoto Maryam (43) and Entoto Kidane Mehret (1). However, the town and station Shero Meda are close enough to Entoto Kidane Mehret (1) to offer a pleasant walk to Entoto Natural Park. The location of the Shero Meda (Shiromeda) community appears on the map and satellite image below in its lower left section.

𝐀 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐎𝐟 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐉𝐨𝐲

Nature from Dreams' Realm
Entoto Natural Park is a unique place to discover the most breathtaking ancient mountain nature, with streams flowing from clear springs and waterfalls. Surprises are regular, with exciting places for relaxation and fantastic water activities. The Capital's view opens here through dizzying ravines and waterfalls, enclosed by Junipers' fragrance, aesthetically combined with amusement, activities, and restaurants.

Golden Gates To Nature and Palaces
Winding streams gently curl and are then hidden mysteriously in high stone arches. Experience the Park with its ability to produce a genuine and powerful creative joy where many families can reunite and rejoice in being together with unique activities and beautiful Nature. Entoto Park (Z) now also includes amusements and facilities.

Entoto Park Main Entrance - Entoto Park (Z)

Brilliant Culture Palaces for the Whole Family

Entoto Park (Z) facilities are located just below Entoto Maryam (43). These newly built facilities should inform the regulations for special open hours of this very modern and extended centre for Entertainment, Culture, Art, sports activities and Breathtaking Highlands Views of Nature and Mountain. However, the freshly made Entoto Park is in its first phase of organizational development, and it is challenging to give personal service time. Despite this, there are excellent conditions for direct contact with restaurants and entertainment at this newly inaugurated Entoto Park (Z).

Entoto Kidane Mehret Sanctuary (32) Town (1) 

A Park for the Family: Activities & Recreation
A Park for the Youth: Maps & Activities
A Mountain Station for Buses and Taxi
Although Entoto Kidane Mehret (1) is quite highly located and appears distant due to its height above the Capital, it has a station for regular bus and taxi traffic. The Capital's buses and local taxis regularly have Entoto Kidane Mehret (1) as a final location within the Park. Here, the Capital's buses and local taxis regularly wait at the Sanctuary of Entoto Kidane Mehret (32) in the shade of large native trees.

Entoto Kidane Mehret (1) Sanctuary (32)
When the cab again turns downhill, a mighty native Juniper forest appears (30) with its concealed sacred spring. Since Entoto Kidane Mehret (1) is near the well-equipped business centre Shero Meda, the taxi arrives here within a few minutes at the Shero Meda (Shiromeda) station and society. The buses and taxis will soon continue here to the central part of the Capital.

Entoto Kidane Mehret Church and Community

The quaint village of Entoto Kidane Mehret (1) creates here a harmonic embrace of the extensive and impressive Entoto Kidane Mehret Church (32) Monastery and Sacred Water Source (31), Juniperus procera Forest (indigenous) 30. Although this rock-based Sanctuary (32) and society (1) towers are within the Capital's northern boundaries and mountain massifs, they seem remarkably preserved and, above all, stressful whims. Also, this Church and Monastery (32) are astonishingly hidden, tucked into the mountain massif rising shoulder where perception arises very soon to be careful because precipices and gullies take over immediately when you move away from a bit of piece of this remarkable protective town.

A Historic Site on the High Plateau

Entoto Maryam (43), the old Capital's central area, is located on the high table of this historic mountain. Furthermore, the historical site of Entoto Maryam (43), with its museum and palace, rises just above Entoto Park (Z) and on the same mountain road.

The Landscape of Entoto Maryam.
After passing all the fascinating facilities of Entoto Park (Z), Entoto Maryam (43) dominates just above and allures to a vast high plateau. Except for the historic and quaint mountain town (43) with restaurants, this high plateau offers surprisingly gentle terrain.

Guest Houses, Hotels and Restaurants

Although Entoto Kidane Mehret (1) offers cosy shops and restaurants, the hotel and guesthouse are conveniently located near the Shero Meda (Shiromeda) community. Therefore, reaching well-established hotels will only require a 20-minute walk downhill from Entoto Kidane Mehret (1) to get many accommodations in the Shero Meda (Shiromeda) community. The highly elevated Entoto Park (Z), with its many activities, entertainment, and restaurants, is the most elaborate and brilliant amusement and restaurant for tourism. Thanks to the area's progress, it is an excellent opportunity to find cosy Beds & Breakfast and even newer hotels up some miles north or east of Shero Meda's (Shiromeda) centre. These facilities appear towards the high plateau, from Shero Meda (Shiromeda) towards Entoto Park (Z) and Entoto Maryam (43), or even further towards the mountain massif of Entoto Natural Park. With a regular taxi, this selection of amenities emerges along the mountain's slope and even in the old historical Capital's neighbourhood at Entoto Maryam (43). Accommodation and Food Services

Entoto Kidane Mehret Church, Sanctuary,

 Monastery and Sacred Water Source

The elevated protectorate Entoto Kidane Mehret (1) is a very dedicated and appealing mountain town. However, this cosily secluded mountain town should more precisely be described as a profoundly religious Sanctuary and Protectorate of Nature and its Inhabitants.

A graceful invitation to the waiting adventures

These paths begin invitingly near the Sanctuary (32) and provide a view thanks to their location in the valley [A]. With a character of beach-curved harmonious wave formations, this place evokes the feeling of a gateway to serene and forgotten days of almost lost tranquillity and beauty within any borders of a Capital. Despite this secluded and elevated site's soft celestial glow of seductive impressions from forgotten aeons, the valley [A] of Entoto Kidane Mehret (32) is where children play, and the laundry dries on the inviting, soft, clean, polished rock bed. This river-dell is a captivating natural beauty to appreciate the first steps downhill of Entoto Kidane Mehret (32). See this river-dell on the map to the right of the society of Entoto Kidane Mehret (1), where the path passes over a traditional bridge, shown within the map square [A] and to the right of Entoto Kidane Mehret (32).

A hidden path between the Sanctuary and the gorge. 
The trail runs attractively behind the Sanctuary of Entoto Kidane Mehret (32) in a concealed curve below its wall. It passes through a small village just some meters from the side of an interestingly sculptural and deep gorge. On this upper ledge of this charming cleft just at the Sanctuary (32) is the location of the somewhat hidden path (5). This pleasant route behind the Sanctuary (32) opens far above this deep ravine of the valley [A] and finishes downhill towards a traditional bridge. This valley [A] is the location for most of these path alternatives for further hiking adventures. 

Entoto Kidane Mehret's Valley and its Hiking Paths

Further Description Regarding 
The Contents of the Map
[A] The Character of Entoto Kidane Mehret's Valley
The square [A] serves as a directed and facilitating figure to find points (5) and (37) more efficiently, which are located within square [A]. Thus, this figure [A] confines the outer borders of the valley at Entoto Kidane Mehret (32). This valley constitutes the beginning of most of the following hiking trails and offers a northern route from point (19).

(B) The Invitation to the Crossroads of the Wilderness
The still, gently upward hike shown within circle (B) includes points (35)(38), and (39) and constitutes both crossroads of somewhat wild paths but also a beautiful rise on a ledge of some metres threshold. These crossroads are located just to the right of point (38) and are visually assisted in the hillside by the loop figure (B),

The Map's Assistance Directions:
[A] - (B) - (14)

Mountain Maps & Alerts
The Assistance of Path Directions [A] - (B) - (14)
The superficial water-conducting metal pipe (37)—[A] assists the mountain hike, and its apparent suitability begins on the slope above the valley [A]. This point (37) is easily reached from below, in the valley [A], with comfortable passing between a couple of cottages before it continues and reaches a gentle high level on the mountain's shoulder. 

Very remote vaguely appears these Capital
settlements here from the elevated location
on the outer rim of the high plateau (16).
Picnics and Play on the Highland -
The Wild Forest of the Ancient

A Great High Plateau for View and Activities

Arriving at the high viewpoint and plateau ledge (16) is very alluring, as the substantial rise upwards offers some beautiful and exciting rests with magnificent scenery, including historical surprises with old Italian fortifications (38) within the map circle (B). The highland landscape here delivers grand views among cosy meadows, inviting visitors to captivating picnics surrounded by indigenous trees of a dignified furrowed patina, together with vast sceneries of a stunningly beautiful highland landscape well in challenge to the adventurous highest demands.

Highland & Canyon Routes Above 

Entoto Kidane Mehret Church (32)

The gentle beginning of this canyon route is on the slope within the map loop (B), and here, the paths continue uphill, very close to this map circle (B), also surrounding the Italian fortification (38). Thus, there are several very different path choices within the Nature of (B)'s hillside landscape, where they rise gently upward to the river's right (35) - (B). Hence, starting within loop (B) and continuing on the hillside of this thrilling Canyon, the routes also become enriched by a more thorough, independent trail acquaintance, consistent by a full south-eastern to north-western eroded soil road (41) located just to the right of points (14 - 16).

Graceful Nature and Trails from the Sanctuary

Entoto Kidane Mehret Church (32)

The Sanctuary of Entoto Kidane Mehret (32) offers several paths uphill for mountain adventures. Just here at Entoto Kidane, Mehret and its bridge (22) start the options of routes with either a start from (37) within map square [A] or even (19), which is a lovely way to these natural pools just above Bees' Cliff (14). Visitors are invited to the flavouring fragrance of mighty native Juniper forests and overwhelming vegetation with a crisp freshness. Thus, this dramatic landscape assists the visitors with thrillingly inspiring canyon routes, which effortlessly capture all the attention and give both social pleasures and surprises.

A Great Wildlife View with the Meandering streams

Nature Pools, the Plateau of Bees' Cliff (14)
Close Encounter With Playing Baboon Families 
While Nature within the map loop (14) place is unique in many ways, there are also reservations about the impact people can exert on Nature. Because this site contains what is desirable for people and wildlife, the result is that a conflict of interest and living space can occur.

Dramatic Views above Rocks of the Lost Aeons
The area of map loop (14) creates ideal wildlife habitats that naturally utilize this rich, three-dimensional diversity in water and rock formations thanks to the varying and dramatic scenery. The natural cliff pools are located within the map loop (14) on the outer rim of the high plateau.

The paths up to Bees' Cliff (14) offer several options: the northern hillside of the tributary gorge (36), the southern slope of (38-39) - (15-16) and (41).

A Canyon of Adorable Beauty and Lush Greenery

Independent opinions or perceptions of these alternative trails are so beautiful and varied that they offer far greater entertainment than expected from the memories or impressions of the other nature types around the Capital. This stunning beauty of the Park is withheld even compared to the charming countryside of Ethiopia with its beautiful Highland scenery. The captivating and thrillingly adventurous paths appear within this magnificent Canyon of seductively living shadows and soft light. However, the different routes are so beautiful that visitors are never at risk without genuine and vitalizing surprises.

An Ideal Place for the Well-Equipped Family.
This location (16) provides pleasant resting places for picnics in pleasant tranquillity and contemplation about the unique Nature, which is facilitated easily by the high point of view, even over the mist-veiled Capital far below the southern slopes. Much closer, the farmhouse is reminded and not far below even the spiritually chanting walls of Entoto Kidane Mehret Church (32).

A Magnificent Magic Shadow World 

Veiled of Aeons Beyond Memories

Bees' Cliff 14 requires caution in the Canyon but
assists by the wide map loop surrounding the
 gentle and fascinating 
points 36 and 41-42 
Detailed Route Descriptions of the Maps
14. Bees' Cliff - A Hidden Rock Dwelling
Here in this enticing deep underworld canyon (B) - (35- (14) of shadows and greenery, this treacherous luring cliff vault and abyss gives a home to pure magic twilight where Ravens reside and invite to pleasant arts of flights as well as approaches in playful jacket pinching mischiefs. ** However, it is clear that the Canyon's slopes in some places are too steep to allow a confrontation with a vertical commitment. Still, these dramatic views offer extra entertainment in wildlife scenarios, thus giving the walks extraordinary value.

14. An Ancient and Breathtaking Abyss
With its dramatic beauty, this place attracts an exciting approach to exploring an unknown world of Nature. Environments in this wonderfully excitingly secret dwelling have created scary deep underground gaps and hidden rock chambers amid their surrounding waterfalls since the beginning of rock formation. The trails are all characterized by dramatic slopes at the Canyon, where the route options offer beautiful inspiration and are often in contact with each other towards the high plateau.

Among breathtaking Views and Juniper Giants' care

These magnificent and powerful Juniperus procera trees appear reminiscent of a park-like setting, and due to their mighty patinated appearance, they certainly stimulate picnics in reverence. Thus, their mighty guise entices the youth's forgotten dreams to emerge from the mist of enchantment, to be evoked once more beyond the days of old. With their furrowed pillars and lofty hall of green crowns, they appear here on the outer edge of the high plateau. Yet, even more, they dominate the site and seem to invite to this mighty green room for the cosiness in pleasure and picnics. Indeed, they seem to originate from a high historical culture even though they are here and just a minute's walk uphill. Then, when gazing down the landscape, like in the photo below, along the well-undulated slope towards Entoto Kidane Mehret (1) and the Capital, the view is well-decorated with native well-matured Juniperus procera trees.

Memories and Dreams of the Venerated History

Emerging through history like its most dignified herald, they offer advisory paths in gentle splendour. Magnificent in serenity, their patina from a still veiled and glorious era allure with its silent advisory grandeur and delightful elusive stamina. Powerful and sculptural are their branches, as the arch and gateway to a secret kingdom, evoking the noble resurrection of humankind's consciousness. Thus, these trees of the revered era impressively raise their furrowed pillars and produce silent veneration for organisms from an almost forgotten noble world. Well-tempered through aeons in mighty silence, they relieve the worn-out souls from worries and pettiness. They emerge through the mist of history in the guise of real living entities with the stamina of awe-inspiring antiquity. Yet, irresistible and seductive in secret vitality, alluring in their serene surprise, these trees from the lost aeons express their ancient origin.

These magnificent and powerful Juniperus procera trees appear reminiscent of a park-like setting, where their mighty and patinated appearance, certainly stimulates picnics in reverence. On the corresponding side, behind and to the east, is hidden the over 50-year-old forest of wild and original Juniper trees (16) - (40) that provides a unique insight into how Nature emerged before the Eucalyptus trees arrived from Australia 100 years ago. Thus, their mighty guise entices the youth's forgotten dreams to emerge from the mist of enchantment, to be evoked once more beyond the old days.

Accommodation: Shero Meda (Shiromeda) 

Accommodation and Food Services
A community for transportation and amenities
This society also constitutes the central station for the northern hillside of the Capital and includes regular arriving taxi and bus services to Entoto Kidane Mehret (1) and Entoto Maryam (43). However, with its station, the town Shero Meda (Shiromeda, is close enough to Entoto Kidane Mehret (1) to offer an excellent walk. The two choices of travel routes starting from Shero Meda centre and continuing up the hill towards Entoto Kidane Mehret (1) or Entoto Park (Z) and further Entoto Maryam (43) offer here some small and inviting neighbourhoods.

The Cautious Choice for Families: 

Entoto Kidane Mehret (1), Entoto Maryam (43), Entoto Park (Z)

During the rainy season's few daily hours of lovely weather conditions, it is, therefore, appropriate to enjoy the Sanctuary (32) and the site's facilities (1), Entoto Mayam's Society and Museum (43) or Entoto Park (Z). Furthermore, the young families' picnics are entirely cosy, with the beautifully undulated promenade to the Italian-constructed spring water facility (19). Entoto Kidane Mehret's (1) inhabitants bring their household water from this source. Therefore, the company is apparent by playing with children and people fetching water for their homes.

[CAUTION] - A Mountain of Ordeals

Note that the mountain massif is vast, and the family on an excursion should avoid the tiring adventure tours beyond the line of sight over the landscape of the mountain range. This cautious observance in the family's daily routine regards the family's well-being and pleasure due to the demanding terrain. Therefore, Do Not Combine the family today's new mountain adventure on the same day with tiring and exhausting fluttering trips between Entoto Kidane Mehret (1) and Entoto Park (Z), including Entoto Maryam 43. This caution is crucial because the impressions from each place are just at the upper limits of what a person can muster.

CAUTION: Use the Camera with

 Extreme Caution in Contact with Precipices

Grandiose Attractions Above the Abyss
Dramatic Distances and High Altitudes
Besides, Entoto Kidane Meret Sanctuary (32), with its Church and Monastery, is astonishingly hidden, tucked into the mountain massif's rising shoulder. A dizzying perception arises very soon and demands care for young families. This observation is evident because dramatic views display spectacularly beautiful landscapes over the location of gorges, precipices, and gullies.

Demanded Harness in Contact with Abyss 
These unique impressions create a somewhat hazardous situation, confusing camera handling and keeping the feet away from the abyss. Security precautions are necessary immediately, and then it's possible to walk away astray from this cosy Entoto Kidane Mehret (1) mountain town and Sanctuary (32) while following the gorgeous path (5) behind the Sanctuary.

The Secure Way Back for Lost and Worried People
To find out from this enchanting and beautiful original forest (40) just east of point (16), a lost person only ought to follow its very apparent slope down the east of the valley and thus in short contact with the open environment and clear paths that quickly show where you are in the relationship with the rest of the Park. In addition, point (19) and further the valley [A] of Entoto Kidane Mehret (32) are very close and reached quickly. This pleasant return Entoto Kidane Mehret (32) is a gentle route downwards without gorges or precipices. 

Grandiose Scenarios in the Trails of the Canyon's Slopes

  • The trails shown on the maps are all characterized by unique and dramatic beauty. The slopes at the Canyon (B) - (35- (14) route options are beautifully inspiring and often in contact with each other, allowing another path choice by a relaxing return or to an intersection towards an alternative height above the gorge. The option of the maps might follow the Canyon's visual contact (B) - (35) - (14) or even at the mountain's upper plateau ledge at point (16) but also shown within the upper section of the map loop (14) - (41- 42).  A Canyon of Grandeur & Adventure

Instagram - Photos and Videos

Shops for Picnics and Adventures

Except for the abundance of provisions at fashionable Entoto Park (Z), the most convenient opportunities exist in Shero Meda. This large society also offers connecting roads between Entoto Kidane Mehret (1), Entoto Park (Z) and Entoto Maryam (43); thus, interconnected up to the outer boundaries of Shero Meda, providing convenient access to amenities up to some miles north, of Shero Meda's centre. Regarding hiking, the necessary for the Park's experience and picnics and candy shop (2) is across the bus stop from the community of Entoto Kidane Mehret (1). Early in the dawn hours, there are further possibilities of other shops at the beginning of the Juniper forest, just next to the health spring with its associated buildings (31).

Amenity Facilities and Public Bathrooms

When visiting the Park, it's important to remember that the care and restoration of Nature demanded its top priority; as a result, constructing bathrooms and other sanitary facilities that meet high standards may still need to be completed on the planning schedule for the Park. But don't worry because plenty of entertaining activities, restaurants, and accommodations are available within the Park to cater to your every preference. With patience and time, the Park works hard to build beautiful and convenient facilities throughout its contact with amusement activities. 

There is a specific selection of entrances to the different areas of the Park, with either unique amusements or Nature types, and their purpose is to promote the visitors' interests and enjoyment. These specific enticing choices here include very relaxing activities as well as more wild or cultural activities. This extensive selection is essential and follows both the family's and Nature's way of expressing a desire for health through attractive diversity.

[ Free ] - [ Entrance Fee ]

  • The entrance is free, but if you're coming in your own car, parking outside costs 25 - 40 birr per hour. Although the Park's Nature is free to visit, the entertainment and amusement activities are usually not free. Furthermore, do not forget your ID card or passport.

Amusements, Entertainment and Restaurants

Attached is a PDF containing a list of suggested activities, 
entertainment options and lodging arrangements:



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