

Absolute Caution with Injuries and Liquor

Since the relationship between humans and Hyenas is ancient, mutual peace has evolved, and even children are naturally left unharmed by Hyenas. The Hyenas can show curiosity toward humans but are usually cautious and restrained. On the other hand, Hyenas have been seen as highly interested in sick or heavily intoxicated people, just regarding this as something different from humans and therefore not included in the ancient consensus of mutual respect.

[CAUTION] - Hyenas, A Nocturnal Danger for the Capital's Vulnerable.

The Canyon's Adventurous Depths

Bodily Trauma and Accident Risks

Observing: hiking directly in the dry brook bed is only possible if some months have elapsed since the last rainy season. Hence, hiking within this deep cleft (B) - (14) in the dry season offers adventure experiences unique to those who may have the courage to surprise a pleasant, strenuous Hyena. It would, therefore, be possible for a person who slips and lies demobilized, hidden and injured in the shady creek bed may, at last, after a few days, attract Hyenas to become directly fatal. They can become mighty animals, especially females in close contact with muscular strength, resembling brown bears in a slightly reduced size. However, hyenas lack rabies virus symptomatic disease; thereby, such danger is unknown. 

Excellent Canyon Hike To the High Plateau

Close Encounter of Baboon Families

While the tributary gorge (36 - (14) is unique in many ways, there are also careful reservations about the impact people can exert on its nature. Because this site contains what is desirable for people and wildlife, a conflict of interest and living space can occur. The path from point (36), shown within the map loop (14), is the last somewhat steep and wild hike towards Bees'Cliff (14), where soon enticing greenery and treacherous sloping abyss lure Ravens to pleasant arts of flights and jacket-pinching mischief. The direction uphill is along the northern hillside of the tributary gorge (36). The path here is quite rugged, but as the plateau's threshold is very close, the walk upwards becomes less burdensome.

Detailed Description of the Area
The Canyon's Drama of Spatial Nature Dreams
This place offers an idle, creative nature, where these two streams meet (36) - (14) and appear as splendid surprises in hidden prongs and open spaces with mighty slopes. The upper slopes of the tributary creek (36) - (14) are pretty steep yet comfortable hikes with beautiful views down the mysterious river and still inviting open gorge to the Canyon. The one who stays silent and concealed between the tree trunks at point (36) can quickly get very close to rumbling and relaxed hyenas.

A walk in the abyss with the secretive company of hyenas.
Directly from the route's start in this small hidden gorge (36) - (14), gentle winds deliver pleasure with a fresh coolness in a welcoming breeze from the Canyon below, which well camouflages the scary smells of civilization from reaching the hyenas in the depth of the Canyon (B) - [A].

The Canyon's Pleasant Eastern Route

Bees' Cliff 14 requires caution in the canyon but
assisting by the wide map loop surrounding the
 gentle and fascinating 
points 36 and 41-42
Assistance Directions: [A] - (B) - (14)

Along the Tributary Gorge (36) - (14)
The few prudent slight detours along the upper bank of the tributary creek (36) are for increased safety and to avoid suddenly scaring wildlife that enjoys socializing around the beautiful pools right above the plateau threshold of the abyss of Bees' Cliff (14). Naturally, therefore, it is appreciated that visitors show interest by approaching the site carefully. However, since Bees' Cliff (14) and its abyss are close, it requires due care; therefore, it follows the recommendation to choose a more eastern path along the gorge (36) - (14). 

 The Complex Culture among the Wildlife

Observing the complexity of the wildlife within the Park is mainly the case regarding baboons with playful kids, caring mothers, and dominant guarding males. These advanced creatures resemble humans in many ways, especially in their emotional behaviour. This human-like behaviour appears stunningly obvious when wild baboons breed guard dogs successfully. However, baboons also use cats for unknown reasons. The explanation for this odd or cute cat keeping may be so simple that the rat's appetite for the same food as baboons may not be appreciated intuitively by hungry baboon families.

The Rising Shoulders of Entoto's Massif

A Canyon for the Lost Dreams' Adventures

Canyon hiking can be an exhilarating experience where
 shadows fall mysteriously in pesky creatures from  
 the past and concealed cliff space just waiting
for the action in overwhelming impressions.

A Canyon of Grandeur & Adventure

A Guiding Canyon With Paths & Adventure
The Canyon's Slopes Offers Excellent Trails
This grandiose Canyon (B) - (14), with its deep and hidden prongs of mysterious twilight clefts, dominates the landscape and is an excellent place for the well-equipped family to appreciate unforgettable adventures. The visible clarity of the Canyon's (B) - (14) landscape, with its selection of several and varying trails, is here utterly breathtakingly captivating yet surprising with its ease of reaching the glade at the tributary gorge (36) - (14) within the depth of the Canyon. These pleasant but enticingly dramatic views are thanks to the grand theatrical panorama along the gentle slopes of the Canyon (B) - (36) (14), where the upper part of the map loop (14) demands caution due to the concealed abyss. At this point (36), the Canyon's sculptural river gorge paths must ultimately deviate for apparent security reasons to safely and follow along the tributary creek (36) - (14). Due to the visual contact with the Canyon from its high slopes towards the tributary creek (36) - (14), a dramatic allure and a mighty visual guide appear in the landscape.
A Canyon Of  Amazingly Cosy Excursions
A Picnic Glade Above the Waterfall 
However, this Canyon (B) - (35) - (14) also provides the most pleasant magical mountain views with sights and picnics that offer an utterly captivating Nature. The mysteriously cosy picnic glade with its fort ruin (38) - (B) and cliffhanger ledge are also the water gate to the Canyon. This high ledge is the site for the underground fort ruin (38) - (B) and constitutes the actual gate to the twilight cleft of the Canyon (B) - (14)The paths viewed above the Canyon landscape are gentle and attractive, with a few exceptions, such as the hidden abyss above the amazingly cosy twilight clearing (36), albeit Caution to the upper part of the map loop (14). The majority of the trails' clear upward direction on Entoto's mountain massif begin within the valley [A] at point (37) or (19), which together are within a cosy promenade distance and located very near Entoto Kidane Mehret (1) and (32). Caution: The southern rim of the high plateau (41 - 42) - (14) is near the Canyon's abyss.

A Canyon to the high plateau

Unique Adventures

With Safety Preparations

Bees' Cliff (14), a mountain-dwelling lost in time
[CAUTION] - Precautionary Commitments
Qualifications and care are necessary as the hiking trails are either unusually varied or dramatic in their diversity propagation up to Entoto's trails towards the high plateau [A] - (B) - (14). No concealed walk in the dry creek bed of the Canyon should be done without company, depending on the possible risk of injury, fatigue, or heart fragility. Still, at least one more person requires this type of concealed seasonal hiking. At least two litres of water per person in unbreakable bottles is a minimum for these Highlands adventures to Bees' Cliff (14).

Bees' Cliff (14) hides a threshold to a shocking abyss, which can become a real danger in proximity from either the east or the west side of the Canyon's precipices. However, be careful and expect the worst scenario because the animals are wild. Even the most solid rock will break if bad luck and a rare and significant earthquake coincide.

** Caution: Bees' Cliff (14)

An Abyss Lost in Aeons and Underground Spaces

Bees' Cliff - CAUTION
A magnificent magic shadow world veiled by time beyond memories.
The Canyon's dramatic beauty beckons with an exhilarating journey to its alluring rock formations, where visitors are soon captivated by space and time. However, this is the reason for the site's overall attraction, where drama creates ideal wildlife habitats that naturally utilize this rich, three-dimensional diversity in water and rock formations through varied and dramatic scenery.

The Close encounter with wild Hyena.
By echoes from the past, hiking here becomes an exciting and mysterious experience that appears to trigger forgotten abilities that have been genetically dormant sleeping since many profoundly ancient times. Especially startling here is, therefore, the location of this place, the tributary (36), which invites a careful study of Hyenas that much appreciate the site's freshness and natural wealth.

Wildlife: Common Background

There is no thorough survey of the wildlife in the area. Animals spotted during field trips include a small antelope (Guenter's Dikdik?) and monkeys (Vervet ?). Hyenas (in a relatively significant number), mole rats, and civet cats were indicated by droppings, holes, or scents, and wild cats, and even leopards, have been seen in the past. Although the Eucalyptus tree offers a poor bird habitat, at least 16 species have been spotted, mainly along the brooks and in the open areas.

A Great Wildlife View with the Meandering Streams.

 This plateau just above Bees' Cliff is a magnificent place with a great panorama view over the stream and many characters in the landscape. When the scene turns south, the abyss Bees' Cliff (14), the ravine, is very close, where the river's further gorge meandering (35) becomes intuitively felt through the profound cooling airflow rising from the unknown abyss below the field of view.

(The two wildlife photographs above depict animals that are not from Entoto Natural Park but from international zoos. However, the pictures reproduce a very genuine experience of both nature and wildlife in Entoto Natural Park)


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