Humanity's Dangerous Legacy

Humanity's Dangerous Legacy

umanity's Forbidden History
Indeed, the opportunities for advancing humankind's cultural cradle endure long periods of direct and subconscious censorship of nefarious rigidity and even aeons in degeneration due to deeply corrupt reasons in a legacy of outright bestial-induced elements hierarchically enforced from an early time in humankind's history. Therefore, well concealed behind generations of enforced censorship, the subconscious tries to endure the pressure in a sensitive balance even when encountering legacies of bestialities from the morbid selection of the past. Thus, due to the deceived persona of the population, their cultural behaviour becomes corrupted, thereby obstructing and obscuring the paths and visions of humankind.

Humanity's Fabricated Legacy 
However, behind the bars of humankind's cage, made of fabricated obstacles and statical social norms, prevails nothing more than a culturally enforced inheritance where most individuals must exist. Thus, humankind's civilizations throughout history often have to endure long periods of psychological and physiological torments in cycles of repeating cataclysmic paradigms and there between personal occurring corrosive agony about what is wrong where they usually never find the natural source of their discomfort or the hidden background of their life's trauma.

Cataclysms and Covert Deception:

Unveiling the Secrets of the Genome

Ancient DNA provided humankind with the most vital part of the human surviving oriented genome intended as a crucial defence mechanism against dangerous predators or fatal cataclysms. Concluded thereby, this underlying legacy of real threat in the ancient genome activated traumatic experiences among the population, thus inheriting and delivering a modified genome to the future. Hence, the historical autocracies' despotism used a genome of the past to succeed by the most sinister threat of despotic manipulation, delivering a devastating deadlock for the suffering inhabitants. Due to these ominous and fatal threats against the population, the omnipotent despots of the past directed harmful actions against the population's health, followed by misery for the near future civilization. Thus, the ruling power's insidious terror has tragically become a triggering factor for the sordid survival of the population. This firmly solidifies a subconscious threat and enforces socially fashionable behaviour for survival under terror. It even leads to perverted idol worship and a malignant cultural ideal.

The Idea of the connection between human behaviour
and its genetic heritage is a complicated subject and
constitutes a central core of research on the human
species and its civilizations throughout the ages.
Foundation On Scientific Giants 
It seems obvious to reconcile Sigmund Freud's description of the human psyche with Charles Darwin's legendary explanation of the origin of species, albeit harsh for many to treat the human species among others and to analyze humankind on this scientific basis. Undeniably, there is a will in human culture to rise above Nature and instead emphasize humanity's elevated origin. 

DNA and Psychology United
The unification of the behaviour and biology within the human species is thus a complex problem to summarize. Consequently, great attention is crucial here to direct careful observation because the subject is complicated and highly intricate. Therefore, it appears a noble opportunity for the individual to become the source of societies' and civilisations' well-being.

Terror & Guardian DNA Of the Past

Of course, this ubiquitous and insidiously fatal terror coerces severe obstacles to the population's essential will for society's positive development and substantial barriers to the people's willingness to deal with the necessary knowledge of the country's natural resources. However, this silent terror is inevitably accompanied by direct fear among the inhabitants, a terror strong enough to activate fearful aversions within the consciousness of the population's most critical phobias of a deeply genetically rooted source. Autonomously, this genetic legacy from prehistory tormented silent people's minds to protect their lives, even if its path was directed to humiliation in severe starvation. Naturally and tragically, this elemental guardian DNA from the past also inhibited the inhabitants' ability to reveal or stimulate their motivation to, for example, collect and safely store these massive amounts of rain and immense seasonal deluges.

Megalomania & Despotism

This quote by Simon Wiesenthal enlightens the importance
of vigilance regarding the nefariously and dangerous
heritage of despotic origin, which tragically grafts a
deeply sinister, malign, and deceptive Nature
to most of its misfortune population.
For these historical psychopaths, a firmly laid ground appeared during their glamorous and hazardous lifetime, assuring the profits derived from an outstandingly insidious search for the ardour to live and rule after an imaginary grandeur of prestigious ideal. Against the population's well-being and their country's future, these autocrats' despotic megalomania all too often acts in profoundly revolting bestiality, with the robust creation of a fatal cultural paradigm which enforces its approaching doom in menacing delusion. Thus, developing in terror of covert repugnant ideal, these autocracies succeeded by terror, setting overwhelmingly abhorrent standards fabricated by frugal greed and envy. Hence, the ground of tragedy was laid and generated for the psychopaths, the genetically influential factors to rule, divide and reinforce their despotic, dictatorial legacy.

Psychopathy Against the Population

Due to this background of shortcomings in knowledge within international cultures, reoccurring through history follows a deterioration of the environment. This destruction of the environment occurs because an ignorant, nefariously fabricated elite demands supremacy in overwhelming megalomania with the delusion of grandeur. Thus, the leaders of these dictatorships created their businesses in reluctance for the temporary costs regarding the concerns for humans and the country and, maybe most devastating, reproduced their psychopathic genes of terror. They prevailed in lurking threat through corrosive deception of old heritage within the most deep-rooted part of the population's fear. From antiquity, this human factor of fear has been a specific part of the human genome, working within the prehistoric defence trigger DNA mechanisms.

The Environment and the Loss of Civilizations

Destructive heritage within many of today's clans of
autocrats give the culture a treacherous shift with
a legacy of an obscure genetic inflow.
Directed by this despotism in the past, the political rule of terror created a life-threatening situation against the inhabitants of these original wealthy civilizations. In their despair for their families, very few dared, and few survived in their attempt to undertake any necessary technology or work to promote these water masses to benefit the population during heat and drought. Therefore, this law of silent terror effectively and continuously deteriorated the soil layers' natural strength until this country's ground no longer produced abundant crops. Thus, the lack of basic knowledge and empathy within many early despotic autocracies initiated the decline within these rich cultures of the past, ultimately causing irreversible destruction and erosion of land, often in prolonged and extreme poverty.

Indeed, it seems repulsive that this insidiously covert yet flagrant phenomenon of a very hard-chained but treacherously evasive behaviour paradigm endures, hiding and developing within the depths of ordinary citizens' subconsciousness and thus controlling the configuration of civilization's development. But this phenomenon's insidious power and scope are so mighty that it evokes compulsive aversion in ordinary people if they catch any sign of the terrible source of their humiliation through the inferiority complex in their daily lives. This humiliation is the sign of their shortcomings, in which the unpleasant truths knock on the door of their shame, where their true soul resides in the blunt and blind evil of their mysteriously forbidden subconscious. Such a rigid constitution of ignorance certainly raises suspicion of a still dominant, very old, and autonomously simplified genetically inherited blockage for any further analysis of this tender problem within humankind's cultures. An autonomous survival strategy is activated within the vulnerable people of society, thus influencing harsh reality towards cultural demands to obey and often in despair.

Therefore, flagrant and revolting evidence regularly appears about the cultural needs of these historic despotically ruled societies that required a more docile nature and genome among their subordinated inhabitants. Forward looms a suppressed and silenced community that endures in despair and muted pain, tragically followed by a spiritual vacuum due to lost meaning and an unpleasantly corrosive unawareness of society's lost inclination to sincere compassion. Based on these unfortunate individuals' long-term quality of fundamental life values, the paradigm of silent smothering in severe personal distress proves its fatal stronghold with a perpetually reoccurring tragedy within the history of civilizations. Thereby, tragically, the population exposed their most precarious life status to perilously insidious danger, thus undermining the population's health and life span. Hence, since prehistory, this malignant hazardous guise of bestial inforced DNA sequences took its sinister grasp on the misfortunate affected population. This autocratic ignorance of the individual's well-being prevails as firmly solidified due to a dangerously inherited past of a forcefully grafted genetic and cultural code of a top-ridden authoritarian society.

The perpetrators' progeny often refuse advancement in aversion. 
Under these circumstances, the individuals introducing novel 
knowledge always faces the decisive fate of being alienated, 
persecuted, tragically, habitually, and fatally eliminated.

Therefore, this genetic and cultural phenomenon is surviving as a subconscious threat to humankind's identity, defeating the individual's spirit through this concealed force of ruled ignorance. Hence, a disgraceful and insidious guise weakened the ground of the most basic in the consciousness and opened the door for flagrant and beastly exploitation, thus removing the primary motivation for the population's quality of life. Hence, lost in a past heritage, this genetic mischief subordinated the inhabitants' lives to fit the demands of governing regulated terror of autocracy. Therefore, the inhabitants' subconsciousness becomes subjugated to this genetic code of despair in horror and culturally reinforces these traits with overwhelmingly duped demands. In short, a new firmly laid pattern of imaginary exemplary conduct solidifies where this terror initiated humankind's dual Nature with many deeply tearing psychological contradictions, thereby imprinting this lifestyle with new conflicting paths for evolution's offspring.

Hence, continue and evolve this insidious guise of heinous and forceful undercurrents within the mind of humanity while engaging in highly abominating activities, even within prominent populations. Yet the hideous sources of these malignant undercurrents intuitively elude disclosure, as appearing strangely forbidden for analysis due to the subconscious compulsion of remaining culturally and treacherously smothered. As the unknown source of the epidemic, this treacherous cultural malfunction continues to grow while venting their minds' discomfort in the periphery, and this all too often in horde-enforced aggression instead of searching for the actual solution. Here, the cultural habits incorporate their dangerously magnified mindset, often inclined to vent their frustration of shortcomings in life to become intuitively directed for separation in hostilities against the unpleasantly deviating.

Here, within valid historical records of vileness, the combination of profoundly subconscious envy, nasty greed and terrible persecution against minorities and individuals corrosively endures as one of the most flagrant and awful records of humankind's modern history. This covert heritage of genetically and subconsciously amplified emotions for profits and property appears to leverage other people's exposure to peril, even a close relative, provided they differ in their affection for cultural heritage. However, this phenomenon is only the visible part of the hazard where the actual heinous heritage instead traps the population in a fixed path towards unspeakable terror. All too often, this heritage prevails in tragically naive admiration by the population under the rule of such a claimed omnipotent tyrant well supported by corrupting authority or malicious religious with political intentions. Thus, the power-shared delusive trust within the population as a unified horde enforces their awful belief that they have the right to end or stop by any intuitive means, the human source and identity that evoke this unpleasant feeling in the depths of their population.

Therefore, this inherited emotional alienation against deviating success is due to its overwhelming power in mass in motion to autonomously follow the tragedy of their deceived and spontaneous inclinations, thus efficiently eliminating any identified as unpleasantly complicated individuals or their minorities. Even if this emotion against foreign elements is often valid in a dangerous conflict, this emotional insecurity against advanced matters and individuals in everyday society usually appears as a wicked and tragic delusion that served their genome in the past's evolutionary advantages. Hence, they endure and even develop this nasty alienation and intuitively bestial will for the depletion of the genetic and cultural heritage of the persecuted minorities or individuals. With malignant megalomaniac aggressions, the deceptively locked hordes provide the required and devastating power to a corrupt civilization.

The man-made selections of human material
created a hazardous heritage for the human
genome, civilizations and culture.

Thus, through the horror under the mediaeval domination of the Inquisition's decree of persecution, an overwhelming amount of sources indicate the development of science and medical treatment of humanity was interrupted for several centuries. However, to blame and consider the possibility of this vile madness under the control of religion indeed appears as far too simple to harbour any truth. With all probability, prevail here instead with ease, wrongdoing in analysis often by choosing any selected religion as the source for the man's crimes by hosting the actual background reason for any type of gruesome perpetrators against humanity. Instead, it is necessary to understand that man preceded these religions by ages beyond history. Indeed, the horde's brutal purges of the disliked gifted humans in human history created a dangerous foundation for civilization's progress, where this nasty heritage was always near the shore of daily habits.

Hence, the suitability of these novel religions decided their success and the possibility of growing as the dominant almighty power source hovering above and underneath the culture. In each age, a new religion developed to fit the intuitive taste of its civilization to such a degree as it insidiously and subconsciously harboured man's crimes, who used religion as an extremely powerful corrupt springboard for their heinous and psychopathic inclinations. Thus, this prehistoric legacy of humankind's highly dangerous undercurrents with their compulsive, hidden and highly dangerous underlying motives create a repeating horror of atrocities against humanity.

Indeed, imparting with shocking nausea, the conclusion seems to be that humanity's heritage has accumulated and periodically reinforced obscure and vilely repugnant inherited behavioural paradigms, and this is due to regular purges of unique and highly gifted citizens. Through the ages, this legacy becomes reinforced so to its apparent grade that its shame has, of necessity, relegated its abominations to the intuitive subconscious domains. With a solid connection to the Horde's norms of conformity in single-track and its superficial passions of nonsense in peripherin, this behaviour continues throughout the ages with repulsive regularity. Thus, persecution of those who pose a threat of corrupt management throughout history raises strong suspicion of a large entourage with a dangerous inclination to follow the legacy of their wickedly corrupted subconscious to such a high degree that it is even subduing and controlling the content of their religion. Therefore, the genetic heritage of humankind has changed from the simple effect of evolution that leaves a heritage of today, which raises strong suspicion towards intuitive horde behaviour with its often direct, emotionally corrupt nonsense and highly held prestigious inclinations.

The Inquisition was a judicial procedure and a group of institutions within the Catholic Church whose aim was to combat heresy, apostasy, blasphemy, witchcraft, and customs considered deviant. Violence, torture, or the simple threat of its application were used by the Inquisition to extract confessions … See more


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