
Showing posts from May, 2018

Picnics & Baths

Photos: Bees' Cliff, Area No.14, Highland Plateau, Entoto Natural Park. Picnics & Baths Seasons for Picnics Among Hilarious Baths  Months of Weather Protection The average temperature in Addis Ababa is 16.3°C. However, since the temperature is falling with increasing altitude, the top of the Park is estimated to be about 12°C. The wind can also be strong, so the climate can be pretty harsh, especially during the rains and in the higher parts. Water: Drinking water must be available all year round, but since most brooks dry out sometime during the year, cautious behaviour is to bring water in rugged bottles before any adventure. There are, however, a few springs within the Park area, providing water for all seasons. Rain Season: There are two rainy seasons per year, the minor rains from March to May and the big rains from July to September. The highest rainfall intensity occurs in July and August (Demissew 1988). Meandering Streams above The Canyon's Abyss  Natural Rock...

A Canyon of Grandeur & Adventure

The Rising Shoulders of Entoto's Massif   D reams'   G ate to G rande T wilight   A dventures A C anyon for G rande A dventure with G uiding P aths and W ildlife This mysterious but inviting twilight cleft with its fort ruin (38) - (B) constitutes the actual gate to the Canyon (B) - (14) . However, equipped with a cosy glade  (38) - (B)  above the waterfall, this cliffhanging ruin's site offers some unique, charming picnic opportunities. Therefore, this Canyon dominates the landscape in many ways and is an excellent place for a well-equipped family to appreciate unforgettable adventures. However, this Canyon (B) - (35) - (14) also provides the most pleasant magical mountain views, with sights along the paths of its higher slopes that offer an utterly captivating nature. This visible clarity in the appearance and selection of trails is apparent here thanks to the attractive overview of the sculptural introduction towards this very family-friendly Canyon an...